Though many may not agree, there are other ways of becoming informed on what is occurring in the news, besides flicking on CBC or opening up the Toronto Star. Especially for younger generations, these outlets of media are not able to always hold the strong interest that it has on our parents. What does the average teenager’s life revolve around? Sad though it is to admit, the top three things would have to be the Internet, the latest television shows, and time spend with our beloved friends. This would be where other forms of news, forms many consider to be “Fake News” come in.
In one of our Mass Communications classes, Ian showed us a video link on YouTube that showed famous actors such as Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Aniston, Ashton Kutcher, etc. repeating the slogan “Don’t Vote”. This sarcastic five-minute clip had to be the most informing and inspiring video I have seen on the American election. The class reaction was unanimous; after hearing people telling us not to vote, we all couldn’t wait to go out and vote ourselves (in the Canadian election obviously). Although near the end of the video, the message shifted into reasons why we should be voting, it was almost unnecessary; we had already been won over. Seeing these famous stars making a movie like this effectively works psychologically on our minds to think “well, if they care enough to take the time from their busy lives to do this, why can’t I take the time to vote?”. And even though there was a lot of admittedly unnecessary, but entertaining humour (“Darfur? I don’t even know what the fuck that is! It sounds like a t-shirt company to me…”), it didn’t take away from the truth and facts that were provided on the subject of voting.
Then again, humourous, satirical news sometimes can hold the most truth. While watching Saturday Night Live skits such as the ones with Tina Fey portraying Sarah Palin, I believe I learned the most on the events of the 2008 American Election while still having a good laugh. Most of the time, satires have the courage to be blunt about the facts we are too polite to say out loud.
Switching back over to the Internet, as a member of Facebook, I don’t believe I have ever had a more entertaining yet efficient way of keeping up with news and events. Earth Hour, student protests over tuition fees, and petitions to keep the new Ontario driving laws from being passed are some of the many events I learn about through fellow citizens who report like journalists to keep the Facebook community on top of things.
Knowing that when I go out with my friends after, we’ll all be able to discuss the current news we’ve learned through means like television and Internet “Fake News” is always another reason to be sure to keep up with the times.
To be fair, it’s not really “Fake News” if they’re just playing upon our interests. We are, after all, only young and tend to lead busy lives. Kudos to those we can get us to sit down for five minutes and absorb the basics.
Works Cited
“Don’t Vote” Video-
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